Newport to Reedsport
Mileage-73 Average speed 11.4 mph.
Elevation gain 2,740
Today's route was on Highway 101 the entire time. Looking at the elevation profiles, we thought that today would be a relatively flat day, without significant climbs. While not as strenuous as yesterday, today still had some good climbs-mostly in the 6 to 7% range. The climb up Hecate Head was a long grind at 4%, then it popped up to a max of 8%, including the passage through the second and last tunnel on the Oregon Coast. Tunnels are fun. Upon entering, you press the button to illuminate the flashing "Bikes in Tunnel" lights, then enter to the intense sounds of cars, logging trucks and Harleys. It is quite nerve racking.
The day was overcast and foggy, and we stopped in Waldport for a mid-morning snack at a cafe/bakery and to warm up a bit. Because the fog limited views of the scenery, we pushed on to lunch in Florence (at 50 miles) but did stop and take in the view (as it was) at Hecata Head, seeing a bunch of sea lions, and the Hecata Lighthouse peeking through the fog and mist. The high point of the day was at the Darlingtonia Wayside, where we saw the carnivorous Darlingtonia plant. Photos are posted. And regardless of what it looks like, I was taking photos of the plants-my position was not the result of too many beers at lunch (we hadn't yet stopped for lunch).
After a delicious lunch at Quizno's, we had a relatively quick 25 mile ride to Reedsport, where we stopped for the night at the Anchor Bay Motel. Big rooms and clean, it is a trek back in time when touring by motor car and staying at Motor Hotels was king. Thanks go out to Janet for supplying us with daily lodging options. We finished our day at 5:00pm-the earliest yet. Dinner was at Bedrock's Chowder House-it was quite tasty, and the Rogue Dead Guy Ale (Kevin) and the Alaskan Amber (Alan) was well earned and quite delicious.
The bikes are working perfectly-gearing, fit and handling couldn't be better.
rikki don't lose that number
8 hours ago
Kevin, your fans are following your progress.
Good to follow your ride, on your Blog - Lesley & the Beagles
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